‘Acupuncture very effective’ states study from Arthritis Research UK

A report into the effectiveness of the complementary therapies that are commonly used for treating arthritis and other musculoskeletal conditions was recently undertaken by Arthritis Research UK.

Twenty-five therapies were considered in the report. Each therapy was scored according to their effectiveness on a scale of one (little or no evidence that it was effective) to five (good evidence that it was effective), based on published data from clinical trials. Effectiveness was measured in terms of improvements in pain, disability or quality of life. In addition the safety of each therapy was graded either green, amber or red.

Acupuncture was found to be most effective for osteoarthritis, low back pain and fibromyalgia

Copies of the full reports are available from Arthritis Research UK.

Nick Pahl, CEO of the British Acupuncture Council (BAcC) comments:

“Traditional acupuncture as practised by qualified members of the BAcC is a safe and effective option for those suffering with osteoarthritis, low back pain and fibromyalgia. In fact NICE (National Institute for Clinical Excellence) already recommends acupuncture for the treatment of persistent non-specific low back pain as well as migraines and tension type headaches. When searching for a nearby qualified practitioner, patients should look out for the BAcC membership stamp of approval to ensure they receive the highest standard of care.”

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