Exercise in Pregnancy and the Postnatal Period

Recent media articles have outlined how women may be looking at the wrong sources for information about exercising during pregnancy and the post natal period.

Women can feel a lot of pressure when looking at social media posts and images of exercise during and after pregnancy. It’s also difficult to judge the quality of the information being put out.

This Guardian article outlines some of these issues. Instagram-filtered images of celebrities ‘put pregnant women’s health at risk’

A certain amount of scepticism can be useful when looking at pictures and reading information from celebrities. Striving to match an airbrushed image is always going to be impossible for real women. Our individual situations are all different, so it is better to look for reliable information, based on research evidence and follow this. The follow sites are evidence-based and regularly updated and can be trusted to give appropriate and relevant information:


‘This girl can’ adverts show real women exercising

NHS choices – This is great for general exercise and advice and specific advice around pregnancy NHS Choices: Exercise in Pregnancy

Another source of free information, based on the most recent research is the patient information leaflets from the POGP (Pelvic, Obstetric and Gynaecological Physiotherapy Organisation).

There is a leaflet on safely exercising during pregnancy and one for postnatal recovery.

The full list of leaflets, including leaflets on pelvic floor exercises can be accessed here

You can also get individual advice and support.

In addition to being a full member of the POGP, Carolyn Lindsay is also a qualified fitness instructor so is able to offer exercise and advice from both a physiotherapy and fitness instructor perspective.

Contact her for advice on:

  • Exercising with a medical condition or injury
  • Starting exercise for the first time
  • Exercise for weight loss
  • Safe exercising during pregnancy
  • Effective and safe postnatal exercise to get back into shape
  • Improving mood and psychological state through exercise
  • Improving bone density
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