Osteoporosis: how physiotherapy can help

Bone density is mainly build up during childhood, adolescence and early adulthood. This can be boosted by eating a well-balanced, calcuim-rich diet and doing plenty of weight bearing exercise. From the age of 35 bone loss increases gradually through the natural ageing process. This is hastened in women after the menopause. People with osteoporosis have reduced bone density and are more likely to to have fractures if they become injured. The most common areas are wrists, hips and the spine.

As we get older our balance and co-ordination worsens and this can lead to falls and increase the risk of sustaining a fracture.

As well as weight bearing exercises to keep bones strong we also need to reduce the risk of falling.

 Physiotherapy at The Treatment Space, Sheffield can help by:


  • Advising on bone-boosting exercise and devising appropriate exercise programmes for younger people trying to build bone density
  • Reducing the risk of falls and improving balance and co-ordination
  • Improving muscle strength, flexibility, breathing, posture and mobility
  • Safe exercising when you have been diagnosed with osteoporosis
  • Recovery from fractures
  • Reducing and controlling pain

The ‘Stop at One’ campaign


The National Osteoporosis Society have launched a campaign to raise awareness about osteoporosis prevention and treatment. Further details can be found at: www.nos.org.uk/stopatone

If you would like to discuss treatment please contact us at: enquiries@thetreatmentspace.com, or ring 07722 897799



The Treatment Space